8 Months

My hair has been growing out for 2 months now . I am at the stage where I just want to shave it all off again because there is not much that I can do with it. I have very straight hair and it has decided that it wants to stand up tall and strong and will not be tamed!


I’ve tried putting gel in it, but it is not long enough to lie down so instead I had tall, strong and spiky hair. The look was not horrible, but it was not what I was hoping for.  I am still wearing wigs most days so as to hide the mess that is happening beneath it; however my hairline is now popping out at the bottom and around my ears so I have to try to find ways to hide it.

I am so glad that I shaved my head and it is something that I would recommend for anyone who wears wigs full time or is a retailer. I now know the difference a perfectly altered cap can feel, how the heat can get to you when you are wearing synthetic fiber and sitting in the sun, the fear that when people are talking to you they are only looking at your hairline, the look and flexibility of styling different cap designs, and the amount of maintenance that human hair requires to protect that investment.

This has been one of the best things I have done not only for my career but also for me. It has freed me from my vanity and also exposed how strong it really is. The truth beneath the wig is that I love wearing them and I will continue to do so and educate others on how to have a successful experience with their alternative hair.


The Wig Versus The Sunburn

I have been feeling run down these past few weeks and rather than listening to my body I pushed myself way too hard. I blew a Facebook live featuring one of our new cap designs because of it. So my husband and I went away for the weekend to unplug and spend some much needed time together and with our son. Poor Conner has had to deal with a mommy who just can’t hang so it was very nice to relax with him and be focused on enjoying my little toddler.

I am always really good about applying sunscreen, to the point that I go through a bottle of it every time we go anyway. This time was no different; the only thing I did not account for was my lack of hair.  I was good about reapplying every 80 minutes per the instructions and yet, here we are.

A sunburn on your face is one thing; wearing welded lace on top of that sun burn is another. Not only is it painful, but now it is pealing. I have to clean my wig more than once a week due to the fact that (sorry this may be too gross for you) my lace is now collecting my pealing skin. I have been using aloe vera which is helping. I look like I have leprosy. Even my husband was looking at me over the weekend and was trying to conceal his freaking out and told me to please go look in a mirror.

So the good news is I am way less stressed, the bad news is one side of my face is falling off.

So this time the sunburn won, but next time I will be more prepared and the wig (and my face) shall prevail.


A Trip To Seattle

This weekend I went to Seattle for work. It had been years since I was there, and it was fun to experience the city as an adult. Now keep in mind, I had 30 minutes to do it, but I feel like I got to see everything that I wanted to. It only took 14 minutes for me to walk around Pikes Place Market, see the throwing of the fish, take a picture with The Pig, and go to the original Starbucks. It was a very successful 14 minutes, if I do say so myself. I had a great time this weekend and lots of laughs.

The women that I travel with are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! We work so well together and had so much fun. One of the nights we laughed till our cheeks hurt. The next day during class, one of our guests mentioned how there was a group of women laughing so loudly while she was walking to her room. We all looked at each other like, “nope…wasn’t us” …but it totally was.

I often get asked “how do you it?” “How do you leave your family and travel the way that you do?”

First of all, I am not “leaving” my family. My husband is a rock star and is incredibly supportive of everything that I do. My son loves his weekends with Daddy. They have a great time together and have dinners that I would never make them. “Daddy’s Mac’n’Cheese” being one of them. My husband and I are a team and because of that, we are able to work together and support one another in our goals.

Secondly, I LOVE what I do. I really do. Even when it is stressful and I am tired, I work with amazing people who help support me and remind me why we are doing what we do. (They even let me steal their biscuits on the plane.) There are moments however when I question if all the work that we put into this program is worth it. What are our clients really learning and are they in fact applying this information to better the experience of the women who are going through hair loss?

I hope so…

What we do is so much bigger than a weekend certification, a 30 minute webinar, or a monthly educational email. This is not about us, or me, or my family. This is about creating the best possible experience for a woman, man, or child going through possibly one of the worst moments of their life.

So it is worth it? YES… when someone who has been in this industry for over 50 years thanks us because they learned something new that they are excited to go home and apply to their business, it is just one more reminder for me; put in those long hours, get on that flight, and stand up there and educate.

And the truth beneath this wig is… the struggle is real, but I am still willing to go out there and hustle.